Symptoms of PGP/SPD

Suffering from PGP/SPD can affect you emotionally as well as physically, and you may find it difficult to be positive throughout your pregnancy and afterwards. It can affect your ability to look after yourself. It is important you never feel guilty or inadequate for having PGP/SPD, it is not your fault.

  • Pain over the pubic bone at the front in the centre
  • The joints in your pelvis moving unevenly
  • Changes to the way your muscles work to support your pelvic girdle joints
  • One pelvic joint not working properly and causing a knock-on pain in the other joints of your pelvis
  • Pain across one or both sides of your lower back
  • Pain in the area between your legs
  • Pain in the hips, lower stomach and down the inner thighs

Pain can also radiate to your thighs, and some women may feel or hear a clicking or grinding in the pelvic area. This pain can be most noticeable when you are:

  • Walking
  • Going upstairs
  • Standing on one leg ( for example when you’re getting dressed or going upstairs )
  • Turning over in bed

It can also be difficult to move your legs apart – for example, when you get in and out of a car. You are more likely to develop PGP/SPD if:

  • You had pelvic girdle pain or pelvic joint pain before you became pregnant
  • You have had a previous injury to your pelvis
  • You’ve had PGP/SPD in a previous pregnancy
  • Hypermobility in all your joints

Psychological Effects

Relationships can be affected by the strain of your pain and immobility in PGP/SPD and it can be upsetting and frustrating, you may feel lonely and isolated and it can be very distressing at times. It can be helpful for you to talk about your feelings perhaps with friends and family, health professionals or other women who have had PGP/SPD.

The HG Maternity Support Belt was developed to help manage the pain caused by Pelvic Girdle Pain / Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction.

As a range of belts had been issued and bought to try and help manage the pain, these were all very uncomfortable to wear and were not actually doing anything to help manage the pain, basic belts do aid with slight Pelvic Girdle Pain / Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction, and this is why the HG Maternity Support Belt was developed, designed and developed with a slight curve to fit the wearer comfortably whilst providing support, the HG Maternity Support Belt and the HG Belt are made using specialist Fabrics which makes both maternity belts fully adjustable.

Who is Likely to Develop PGP/SPD

It is estimated that one in five pregnant women can suffer from effects of pelvic pain. It is not known exactly why pelvic pain affects some women, it is thought to be a number of issues, including previous damage to the pelvis, pelvic joints moving unevenly, hormones, and the weight of your baby.

Some factors may make women more likely to develop PGP/SPD may include:

  • A history of back / pelvic girdle pain
  • Previous injury to the pelvis
  • Having PGP/SPD in a previous pregnancy
  • A hard physical job

It is important to remember that when the suffering with Pelvic Girdle Pain / Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction, that any maternity belts used will only help manage the pain and will not cure the condition.

When wearing either the HG Maternity Support Belt or the HG Belt, not to try and carry out extra physical activities or unnecessary movements or exercise as a result of managing the pain as this could lead to the condition worsening. The HG Maternity Support Belt and HG Belt are purely an aid to manage the pain.

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